大稻埕碼頭河濱公園,是191旅店(ENJOY HOTEL)鄰近景點之一,絕佳的地理位置,天氣好可以看到超大顆超完美的日落,不必趕赴淡水漁人碼頭,也可以欣賞到美麗的夕陽景致^^
Dadaocheng was originally settled by Pingpu people that migrated there after a fierce fight with settlers in Mengjia (current day Wanhua District) from Tongan in Fujian Province. Over the years, Dadaocheng developed with shops and homes rising up along the Tamsui River. After Tamsui Port opened, Dadaocheng became the main entrepot in Taipei under the administration of Liu Ming-chuan.
Yanping North Road and Guide Street were at the center of commercial activity in the district, and tea and cloth were the main items traded during this colorful and memorable time of years past in Dadaocheng.
In recent years, Dadaocheng Wharf has hosted major fireworks festivals. There is also a bikeway by the wharf for riverside cycling in scenic and historic Dadaocheng.
◎地址ADD:台北市大同區大稻埕碼頭Datong District, Taipei City
Nat'l Hwy 1 → Exit at the Taipei Interchange → Sec. 3 to Sec. 2, Chongqing N. Rd. → Minsheng W. Rd.
1. THSR Taipei Station (or TRA Taipei Station) → Taipei City Bus (No. 274, No. 641, No. 669) → Dadaocheng Wharf
2. THSR Taipei Station (or TRA Taipei Station) → Taipei MRT Shuanglian Station → Taipei City Bus (Red 33) → Dadaocheng Wharf